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DD (Digital Designs) RL-SA500.1 + RL-SE12-S1 active subwoofer kit (300 mm).

Digital Designs Basskit RL-SA500.1 + RL-SE12-S1 комплект активного сабвуфера 12" (RMS 300 Вт, 1 Ом, 300 мм).
199,00 €
Digital Designs Basskit RL-SA500.1 + RL-SE12-S1 active subwoofer 12" (300 mm) kit.

DD Audio Basskit includes 12″ RL-SW12-D2 subwoofer in a closed enclosure and a powerful RL-SA500.1 mono amplifier.

SA Series amplifiers are compact amplifiers with full size features. The SA500.1 is a 1 ohm stable monoblock subwoofer amplifier with a continous output power of 500 watts.
Even though the SA Series amplifiers are very compact they still employ set screw power and speaker terminals, different input sections, and heavy duty aluminum heatsinks.
This ensures power management is proper from input to output, increasing both in-use stability and long term durability.
- Mosfet power supply amplifier - 4 gauge set screw power terminals - 12 gauge set screw speaker terminals - Variable 12dB/oct crossovers - Remote subwoofer control (SA500.1) - 5-way protection: Speaker short, thermal, overload, HI/LOW voltage, DC offset

The DD REDLINE RL-SE12 loaded enclosure is an easy, plug and play solution for solid bass and rich savings! It’s designed to deliver deep, satisfying bass on low to moderate power.
They use sturdy sealed seam MDF construction, and are upholstered in a durable carpet with an embroidered logo.
They’re also loaded with subwoofers designed specifically for the enclosure to ensure maximum performance. Model of subwoofer: DDRL-SW12-D2 SOLID PERFORMANCE. SIZABLE SAVINGS.
Дополнительная информация
По марке автомобиля
Универсальный (все модели)
По типу сабвуфера
сабвуферы активные (в корпусе)
Размер корпуса (мм)
458 x 356 x 203 / 330
Размер динамика (мм)
300 (12.0")
Cопротивление (Ом)
Чувствительность (дБ)
Номинальная мощность RMS (Вт)
Максимальная мощность (Вт)
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